Sean Kennedy

Overland Park, KS

How I help . . .

I chose this career path because it’s a relationship-driven business and I wake up everyday looking forward to having meaningful conversations with business professionals and helping advise them on any opportunities and/or problems we’ve identified for their respective companies and industries.

My favorite clients are the ones that view us as a business partner and seek a year-round relationship. These are the clients that almost always generate the best return on their investment because of the opportunities created for both parties to mutually benefit from the relationship. Allowing Adams Brown to establish a vested interest with our clients opens up so many opportunities to advise and generate a ton of value for our clients.



"I'm a high-energy, fast-moving, strategic thinker with a passion for people and solving complex business issues."

Q&A with Sean

What does above+beyond mean to you?
Above + beyond is the process by which an organization stands amongst its competition as best in class. It includes among many things fostering relationships, implementing expertise, quality work product, effective communications and developing relationships with our stakeholders.
What does being a strategic ally mean to you?
It means having a vested interest. Our firm's success is contingent upon the success of our clients and principals and thus, the more value we bring to the table, the more value we receive in return.
What type of sports are you good at?
Anything that is fast paced and there is a good chance I can injure myself!
What is your favorite/least favorite word and why?
Can't. 9 times out of 10 the word is used when expressing fear in trying something new or taking a different approach towards a business problem or opportunity. I don't have much patience for a mindset scared or unwilling to learn and improve.
What activity plays an important part in your life?
Dedicating time to my family and myself. Self care and spending time with the ones you love plays such a crucial role in avoiding burnout and staying mentally sharp throughout the year.

Life Outside the Office

Hobbies & Interests

  • Spending time with family & friends
  • Playing and watching sports – football, basketball, tennis and skiing in particular
  • Traveling

Frequented Websites

  • Google
  • LinkedIn

Little Known Facts

  • I’m originally from Wichita, KS and my family still lives there.
  • I am a walking, talking encyclopedia for useless sports trivia and other information.
  • I started playing tennis six years ago for the first time in my life and it’s quickly become one of my favorite sports.
  • I love to cook and hopefully will add “grill master” to my list of talents in the next couple of years!

My Professional History


  • Operation Breakthrough Leadership Council – Member Sigma Chi Fraternity Alumni Advisory Board
  • ALS Foundation Heart of America Chapter Advisory Committee
  • American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)
  • Association for Corporate Growth (ACG)
  • Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE)


  • University of Kansas
    • Masters in Accounting
    • Audit Concentration


Work Highlights

Year joined Adams Brown: 2020

Year entered into Accounting: 2009


  • CFE
  • ABV

Honors & Awards

  • UMKC Bloch School of Business Strategic Leadership Program – Class of 2020
  • 2019-2020 RSM Building Effective Client Relationships (BECR) Executive Leadership Program
  • 2018 AICPA FVS Standing Ovation Recognition Program